Hey, I’m Michael.

I’m Helping Bring Broadway Back…

From Over 1,000 Miles Away

No One Knew The Damage COVID-19 Was Going to Cause Broadway.

My Mission: Do Something About It.


Why I’m Doing This:

As a native New Yorker, I want to help my city and my fellow thespians rebound from the closures caused by COVID-19. But, there are many unanswered questions on how Broadway can reopen safely and effectively. From my insider knowledge, many theater executives are trying to find safe and effective ways to open theaters, but I feel they’re not doing enough. These executives won’t do a in depth analysis due to new styles of leadership that current MBAs are learning. I’m in a unique position to answer the questions to help Broadway. I want to offer my services as a budding entertainment consultant for free.

How I’ll Do It:

I have split the project into four main categories- Audience, Creative, Finance, and Future. Check back here every few weeks to see my latest findings, interviews, and recommendations on each section.

With my newfound knowledge on data analytics, statistics, operations management, and business strategy, I hope to identify the main issues theater needs to overcome to open back up in each of the main categories. I will then give my recommendations on how to combat the issues from research and interviews I conduct with professionals. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to outline all problems and solutions in a fun, interactive way so that laypeople, theater lovers, and the business-minded alike will understand.

How You Can Help:

There are so many ways- 1. Spread this website to everyone who loves theater and entertainment. The more that people know about it, the better research I can do.The arrow in the black circle at the bottom of every page can help you share pages of this website. 2. Send any donations you can to help fund more of my research. I am putting forward my own money to fund the website and various research tools, so any donation will be greatly appreciated. Click on the Donate button up top to learn more. 3. Give me feedback. What do you like about my research? What do you think I can improve on? See the contact page to send me an email. PS- For best enjoyment of my research, please view the website on your laptop or desktop.

I’m doing this because I love the Theater. It’s given me everything, and now it’s time I gave back.