I feel in love with shows that had happy endings. When I started to fall in love with theater, my life at that time didn’t have a lot of happiness in it. It was nice to escape once in a while, being a kid who couldn’t comprehend reading in grade school. I would walk into any theater at the time in my life and automatically feel at home. I’m glad I discovered that feeling at such an early age.

The good news is that smart people are helping save the industry. There are think tanks, non-profits, focus groups, and students like me who want to bring theater back. Don’t be dismayed

The virus has shown the industry where it is weak. It’s so unfortunate it brought Broadway to its knees. But crisis causes change to occur. The shutdown is allowing new innovators to come forward and make their mark on the industry. It’s no surprise Broadway is filled with stagnant dinosaurs that are impervious to change. COVID has accelerated a transition period to a new guard that promises modern ideas to help the industry stay relevant. So don’t fret, positive change will come. 

As for me, I’m currently sitting on my deck in Miami writing the last few sentences for this project. I just started my second week of second year classes. I’ll be corny for a moment and say I learned a lot about my personality and work style while creating this project. I’ve learned I can be lazy sometimes, yet achieve deadlines when I set clear ones. But, most importantly, I learned that whatever job I land after school needs to be involved in telling stories. The motivation for this project wouldn’t of been there if it wasn’t about theater. It’s so important to go after something you love, no matter how corny that saying is.

I’m just some MBA theater geek with a laptop and a notebook trying to help theater from a thousand miles away. I hope you enjoyed reading this project as much as I enjoyed putting it together. 

See you at a show soon.
